Jen and Chance spent one final week showing for the summer at the Atlanta Summerfest II at Chattahoochee Hills in Fairburn, GA.
Katie Ditmars tackled her first show with us and brought home reserve champion in the younger children’s hunters aboard Kate Knowle’s San Man DASH. We are looking forward to more shows this fall with Katie and Jingles!
Lillian Reynolds qualified for the Hammel 3’3” medal finals for 2021 and will be heading to The National Horse Show for the very first time! Congratulations Lillian on reaching your goal.
Lauren Velazquez and her new horse Cake Walk continue to improve with each showing.
Abby Beaty and Lydia Guffey both picked up blue ribbons in their respective training jumper rounds with Prof De La Roque and Limerick respectively.
Mimi Colette Frei had good ribbons with both Jus D’o and Backstreet Boy (pictured).
Jen Hauser and Anna Brett Hyde’s Carele got some show ring time this week and are looking forward to more shows this fall.
Congratulations are also in order for Julia McAdam and her new mount Scofield! This pair earned their first tri color by being reserve champion in the older children’s hunters!! Congratulations Julia and Benji
Thank you Madison Massey for the pictures!