
Summer Camp at Fox Lake Farm

Riding, Horsemanship, and Fun!

Camps at Fox Lake Farm run half days from 8:30 to 1:30 Monday through Thursday (Tuesday through Friday for the first session) and combine riding lessons with horsemanship, games, and crafts.  Beginner and intermediate girls aged 7 - 14 interested in learning about horses will love camp!  Camp fees are $500 per week ($100 deposit due with registration confirmation email) and the camp balance is due by May 15th. 

Campers will need to bring lunch, a water bottle, and sunscreen each day. Long pants and boots are required for riding. If your child does not own a helmet we will fit them with one on the first day of camp. You may send a pair of shorts and closed-toe shoes for your child to change into after riding. Please label all personal belongings.

Riders who complete summer camp have first priority (after returning students) to sign up for regular lessons in the fall. 

Summer Camp Dates 2025

Camp 1 - May 27 - 30
Camp 2 - June 9 - 12
Camp 3 - June 19 - 21 (Advanced Camp & Horse Show) - Cross Rails and Up (current students only)
Camp 4 - June 23 - 26
Camp 5 - July 7 - 10
Camp 6 - July 21 - 24

Please call Amy Knowles at 205-283-7454 or email amyknowles@outlook.com with any questions or if you would like to inquire about private lessons or joining our lesson program.