Showing is well underway for our AHJA team!
Alabama Hunter Jumper Association Year End Banquet
We had a blast celebrating hard work and dedication of our riders at the AHJA year end awards banquet this past Saturday. Congratulations to all of our ribbon winners and perpetual trophy winners.
Other ribbon winners include Mary Boykin Jones, Catherine Harbert, May May Harbert, Sydney Santamour, and Noor Awad!
Special congratulations to our perpetual trophy award winners!
Little Equestrian That Could: Lydia McCay
Spirit of The Horse: Karen Howerton & Charleston Harbour
Savannah Smith: Abby Beaty
Outstanding Parent “A Bit Above” : Russell Beaty
The Rise AHJA Service Award: Dylan Martin
The Jerry Morrison Award: Guerry Force
The Pat Hoyle Sportsmanship Award: Emma Madison
USHJA Southeastern Zone Jumper Finals
During week 6 at Tryon Jen, Mimi, and Hannah all competed in the USHJA Zone Jumper Finals.
We want to wish a big congratulation to Mimi Colette Frei and Emir on taking the overall gold medal for the individual finals held on Saturday during week 6 for the children’s zone jumpers!
Hannah Banks and Ghiradelli took home 5th overall for the children’s zone jumper finals and Jen Hauser and Luau Cove CSF took 8th for the 1.30m platinum zone jumper finals.
All three ladies came home with medals during their respective team days with Luau Cove CSF, owned by Lori Davis and ridden by Jen Hauser taking a bronze medal, Mimi Colette Frei and Emir also taking a bronze, and Hannah Banks with Ghiradelli and her team taking home a silver medal!
Hannah Banks & Ghiradelli - member of the zone 4 silver medal team - children’s jumpers.
Mimi Colette Frei & Emir - members of the zone 4 bronze medal team - children’s jumpers.
Jen Hauser & Lori Davi’s Luau Cove CSF - member of the zone 4 platinum 1.30 meder jumper bronze team.
Hannah and Mimi celebrating their team medals.
Huge thank you to our entire team for making the 2023 USHJA Zone Jumper Finals such a success. From our wonderful grooms to the amazing work of our trainers, parents, grandparents, farrier, veterinarians, and horses. We thank you! We can’t wait to be back in Tryon next year for the 2024 finals.

Summer Tryon 2023!
We made our annual trek to Tryon, NC for two weeks of showing this past July and it was just as much fun as last year.
Lillian and Juliette De Spalbec Z had great rounds week 5 and made the move up to the low junior jumpers during week 6.
Julia McAdam and HM Beaulieu had a fun two weeks and took home the champion honors during week 6 in the 3’3” Younger A/O Hunters.
Morgan Madden and Con Air had a great two weeks laying down some consistent rounds in AA hunters.
Sydney Madden and Carele continue to grow their partnership and are looking at a bright future.
Truth Be Told and Paulina Frei showed week 6 in the huge pre-child hunters!
Katie Parnell Robinson joined us for both weeks showing Alpine’s Revolution
Cake Walk and Lauren Velazquez took champion honors in the older large 3’3” junior hunters.
Mimi Colette Frei and Emir showing in the 1.10 Children’s Jumpers.
Hannah Banks and her own Ghiradelli had a great warm up week in preparation for the USHJA Zone Jumper Finals held during week 6. This is cluded a class win during week 5.
Holly Howerton and her ever adorable Made by Kostolany.
Luau Cove CSF owned by Lori Lynn Davis and Jen Hauser tackle the 1.35 in preparation for the USHJA Zone Jumper Finals.
Pamela Adam and Love Letter had great rounds in the older children’s hunters.
Jus D'O Wins Again!
Juice Curtin and Mimi Colette Frei’s Jus D’o take another win in a $10,000 Brownland Farm Hunter Derby!
Congratulations to the whole team!
AHJA at Home!
We just wrapped three weekends of AHJA shows at the farm. We had fun, learned a lot and loved every minute of it! Thank you to the Huntsville Pony Club for choosing Fox Lake Farm as the location for their 2023 show.
Highlights include
Abby Beaty & Que Pasa winning best Turnout at the Fox Lake Farm Jumper Show.
Mae Moody being name best child rider ring I during the Fox Lake Farm Hunter Show.
Romney Velazquez & Balladeer winning the $500 Fox Lake Farm Challenge
Paulina Frei & Truth Be Told winning the $500 Bill Wolf Memorial Challenge at the Huntsville Pony Club Show.
Plus multiple champion and reserve champion honors each week from the long stirrup to the Jr/Am Hunters.
Thanks to Richard Force Photography for the great pictures of our hunters.
Jen and Julie have shipped off for two weeks of showing at Brownland Farm.
Atlanta In The Spring
Spring has sprung in Alabama and we are so excited to get to spring showing!
Jen and Julie loaded up and headed to Chattahoochee Hills Eventing for the Atlanta in the Spring hosted by Elite Show Jumping
Luau Cove CSF and Jen were speedy to take second place in the $5000 SBW Welcome Stake on Thursday.
Photograph owned and shown by Julie Curtin was champion in the 3’3”/3’6” Green Hunters
Jus D’o was reserve champion in the 3’6” performance working hunters.
The team saw loads on success in the USHJA National Hunter Derby by taking 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th!
1st - Que Pasa - owned by Abigail Beaty and ridden by Julie Curtin
2nd - Jus D’o - owned by Mimi Colette Frei and ridden by Julie Curtin
3rd - Balladeer - owned by Romney Velazquez and ridden by Julie Curtin
5th - Cake Walk - owned by Romney Velazquez and ridden by Jen Hauser
Julie and Photograph looking picture perfect in the Greens.
Photograph was also champion in the Adult Amateurs with Keri Rankin riding
Vivienne Kelly made her USEF show debut with Pumpkin Pie! Pumpkin is a barn favorite and loves to teach new riders the ropes.
April Brownland
We love heading to Brownland Farm in the spring time!
Congratulations to Mimi Colette Frei’s Jus D’o on winning the $10,00 National Hunter Derby during week one with Julie Curtin in the irons.
Roll Tide owned by Dr. & Mrs. Donald Robinson
Julie also piloted Roll Tide to back to back week champions in the baby green hunters. Bear is owned by Dr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson.
Hannah Banks and her own Ghirardelli had a fabulous two weeks as they moved up to the 1.15m jumpers. They were champion during week 1 in 1.15m and reserve champion week 2 in the modified JR/AM jumpers.
Sydney Madden and Power Play are really turning out to be a great match! They did some jumper ring time during week two and brought home reserve champion in the unrestricted child/adult jumpers.
Isabella Culotta and her new mount Maestro D made their jumper ring debut and had great rounds improving each week! Can’t wait to see these two back in the show ring.
Julia McAdam and her own HM Beaulieu had a great weekend winning the AA classic! Julie and Beau were also 6th in the Derby during week II.
Congratulations to all rest of our riders on a fun two weeks!
Alabama Hunter Jumper Association Kick Off Show
Allison, Emma, and new team member Julie Curtin took on the 2023 AHJA Kick Off Show earlier this month and made a great start to the year.
Lydia McCay moved up to the short stirrup with new mount Confetti. This pair improved each day and was champion in the short stirrup equitation on Sunday.
Holly Howerton had a stellar weekend!!! She and Made by Kostolany were champion in both the low hunter and JR/AM hunter. They were also second in the Jr Board Equitation Challenge, Undersaddle Innovational, and the $500 Jumper Pairs Class. This duo was truly fantastic!
Roll Tide is having a great start to his showing career! This young horse is owned by Katie Parnell Robinson and Dr. Donald Robinson. Julie piloted “Bear” to champion honors in the schooling hunter and baby green hunters. Bear was also 4th in the Undersaddle Invitational.
Allison and Emma took a one two finish in the Trainer Equitation Challenge. Thank you Cinsational and Escalido on being excellent mounts for the class.
Margaret Overton and Escalido moved up to the Pre-Child/Adult Hunters and brought home some great ribbons each day. They were also 6th in the $1500 Hunter Derby on Friday evening.
Pauling Frei and Truth Be Told are really figuring out each other as they start their new partnership. They were champion in the pre-child/adult equitation and won a a class in the pre-child/adult hunter on Saturday. Paulina was also 4th in the Junior Board Equitation Challenge. Emma piloted “Abe” to a reserve champion in the large schooling hunter division.
Pamela Adam and new mount Love Letter had a stellar first show together!!! They were second in the $1500 Hunter Derby and were champion in the children’s hunters. They also teamed up with Bates Moody and Cinsational to take 6th place in the $500 pairs class.
Not only was Bates and Cinsational 6th in the $500 Jumper Pairs Class but they were reserve champion in the children’s/adult hunters. They were also 5th in the $1500 Hunter Derby and 3rd in the Junior Board Equitation Challenge.
Ruth Branum and Oberon had consistent round in the long stirrup and starting hunters. They also qualified for the Undersaddle Invitational.
Isabella Culotta and new ride Maestro D made their showing debut together! They brought home solid ribbons in the modified hunters and learned tons in the pre-child/adult equitation. Julie also piloted Maestro to a win in the $1500 Hunter Derby on Friday evening and champion in the massive schooling hunter that morning.
Bella Jennings teamed up the Carlsberg and made the move up to the pre-child/adult hunters. They learned so much and brought home some great ribbons in the hunters and equitation.
Mae Moody and Wonderland continued their partnership and were 8th in $1500 Hunter Derby and 3rd in the $500 Jumper Pairs class on Saturday.
Juliette De Spalbec Z and Lillian Reynolds had a great weekend showing in the 1.05-1.10m jumpers. They were champion in their regular division and won the $500 pairs class with friend of Fox Lake Rosie Akins. They were also 4th in the $250 .85m /1.0m Jumper Classic.
Brynn Smith and Despicable Me had a fun weekend showing in the pre-child/adult hunters and schooling hunters. We are excited to see this pair continue on this spring!
Lou Gidiere tackled the starting hunter and short stirrup hunters and equitation with Fox Lake’s own Cup of Joe. They had solid rounds all weekend and were reserve champion in the starting hunter and 5th in the Junior Board Equitation Challenge.
Helen Harbert made her Kick Off Show debut with Fox Lake Farm’s Jolly and had a great weekend full of fun and learning! They had solid ribbons in the starting hunters and long stirrup. They qualified for the undersaddle invitational by winning the long stirrup under saddle. They were also 5th in the $250 AHJA Challenge.
Sophia Latham and Limerick showed in the very competitive .75m jumpers and improved each day! They teamed up with Mae Moody and Wonderland to take 3rd in the $500 Jumpers Pairs Class. They were also 8th in the Junior Board Equitation Challenge.
Thank you to MJM Photography and the FLF Mom’s for the photos!
2022 Alabama Hunter Jumper Association Awards
We want to congratulate all our riders on a fantastic 2022 AHJA season! A few of our riders took top honors in their division with loads more taking top 6 placings for the year.
The 2023 AHJA season kicks off next week with the Kick Off Show at Poplar Place Farm.
Isabela Culotta & Demitase - champion pre-child/adult hunter
Bates Moody & Cinsational - champion children’s equitation and reserve champion children’s hunter
Lydia Clayton & For Fun (owned by Allison Black) - champion long stirrup and reserve champion long stirrup equitation
Margaret Overton & Escalido - reserve champion short stirrup hunter and equitation
Emma Madison & Teddy (owned by Allison Black) - reserve champion hopeful hunter
Mimi Colette Frei & Jus D’o - champion USEF junior hunter
Romney Velazquez & A Timely Affair - champion USEF adult hunter