September 29th marked our second annual AHJA Jumper Show as well as our annual Fall Party and spend the night! We here in Alabama have been slogging through our extended summer, waiting for a hint of fall to make its way south. Fortunately, on Saturday, there was a slight chill in the air that made for a beautiful day to horse show. We hosted only jumper classes ranging from .65 meters to 1.10, allowing competitors of all levels to participate!
Hagen Blackwell and her ponies played in the jumper classes for the weekend; Hagen took a win on Footsteps in the .65s and a 2nd aboard Hey Scooby in the .75s. Julia King also took her pony Champlain Grey into the .75s and won the second trip.
Julia and “Otis” had a great time jumping around the .75 classes!
Keri Rankin and Carlyle Brown showed their young horses, Odessa and Nu ID, in the .75s as well with much success. Keri Rankin also won the “Best Turnout” award for the day.
Lillian Reynolds aboard Willie, and Campbell Swanner on THS Pia Lina, each won a .85 class. Campbell also competed in the .95s alongside Annie LaRussa and Escalido. Campbell and “Pia” used the jumper trips as an opportunity to practice for their trip to WIHS and PNHS in the Children’s Hunters later this month. All of our girls enjoyed getting out of their comfort zones and riding different tracks than they’re accustomed to in the hunter divisions.
Clayton Mullis and Tower Lux won both their 1.0 class as well as their first 1.10 class together! Abby Beaty and Via Dolorosa took the win in the second 1.10 class, our final class of the day.
Clayton and “Tower” had a great first 1.10 trip!
After a pleasantly early end to our horse show, the Fox Lake Farm team reconvened for our annual Fall Party and spend the night! Guerry and Carlyle spent the night with the girls at the barn, ensuring that everybody at the barn—horses included—earned a much needed nap on Sunday. We love the chance to get all of our clients together for a night of fun and food before we hit the ground running again with more fall horse shows. Soon, Allison will be shipping out for Harrisburg and Washington, while Michael tackles two weeks of Brownland and Ginny travels between the two! Carlyle and Guerry will resume their marathon of local showing, culminating in the AHJA Year End Horse Show at Brownland Farm the first weekend of November. We have much to look forward to this fall!
-Carlyle Brown