The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of horse shows, with horses competing at Brownland Farm for the Nashville Classic and Nashville Country shows, The Devon Horse Show, and the Germantown Charity Horse Show.
During both weeks of Brownland, Keri Rankin piloted her own Odessa in the Adult Amateur hunters to several blue ribbons and top three placings. The pair also took Reserve Champion honors during week II. Keri purchased Odessa as a three year old in 2017. At the time, Odessa had yet to be broke under saddle and had spent much of her life in a field. Keri has dedicated a lot of time and energy into Odessa, bringing her through the ranks herself.
Clayton Mullis and Tower Lux also had two successful weeks in Brownland, taking 2nd place both weeks in the NAL/WIHS Children’s Jumper Classic. During week II, Jessica Dallow and Zoffany claimed 5th in the NAL/WIHS Adult Jumper Classic. Katie Habeeb and Alto Aviador tackled the Low Adult Jumpers both weeks and came away with several clean rides and good ribbons as well.
Back over in the hunter rings, Julia McAdam and Hide Away had good rides and ribbons in the Pre-Children’s Hunters, as did Hannah Banks and Corrado. Both pairs have been hard at work with their mounts and we’re proud to see their long hours at the barn paying off!
While week I of Brownland was underway, Allison Black made the trek to Devon, Pennsylvania for The Devon Horse Show with Hey Scooby and Hagen Blackwell. Hagen and “Scooby” have been partnered for almost two years now and the pair competes in the Large Pony Hunters. Hagen came away with a 5th place finish in the Large Pony Hunter Stake round with a score of 82. Hagen then went on to be Champion in the Large Pony Hunters the next week in Brownland.
During the second week of Brownland, Campbell Swanner piloted her own Luxe in the 3’3 Junior Hunters to much success including a win in the under saddle as well as top three finishes over fences. Hagen and At Last tackled the 3’6 Junior Hunters and the pair had several top three finishes as well. Carlyle Brown rode her own Nu ID in the Brownland Hunters, with 3rd and 7th place finishes out of a large group of 24.
After the conclusion of Brownland, Allison and Carlyle headed to Germantown, Tennessee for the Germantown Charity Horse Show. The GCHS celebrated its 71st anniversary this year; we love attending a show that is so steeped in history and tradition! During the show, several other disciplines and breeds outside of the hunters and jumpers are on display, including Racking Horses, Gypsy Vanners, Paso Finos, and Tennessee Walking Horses. The show has a fantastic atmosphere where people who are involved in the horse industry in so many different ways can come together.
Hannah Banks and her own Corrado had an excellent trip to Germantown, winning an over fences class out of 21 entries! The pair also claimed a red ribbon in their warmup round as well as a 6th place finish in the under saddle.
Hannah and Corey with their blue ribbon prize.
Julia King and Beckford tackled the Children’s Hunters together and received good ribbons in their over fences classes out of a very competitive group of horses.
Julia and Beckford in the Children’s Hunters.
Campbell Swanner and Luxe also had good trips together in the 3’3 Junior Hunters resulting in good placings and a 2nd in the under saddle. Hagen Blackwell and At Last took Reserve Champion honors in the 3’6 Junior Hunters as well as 12th in the David Wright Memorial Hunter Classic.
In the pony divisions, Madison Hill piloted Mimi Colette Frei’s pony Hillcrest Songbird to good ribbons including a win in the Large Pony Hunter Handy class! Hagen and Hey Scooby also had solid trips in the same division, including a 2nd and 3rd place finish in their over fences. Hagen and “Scooby” also took 6th in the GCHS Pony Hunter Classic, with Madison and “Eva” on their heels with an 8th place finish.
Hagen and Scooby during the Pony Classic awards presentation.
Madison Hill and Eva receiving their 8th place prize.
The Fox Lake crew is home for several weeks for lessons before heading out to Wills Park Equestrian Center for two weeks of horse showing in July!